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Udo Göebel
Net binnen, de Mount Sutherland Shiraz 2010. Van de hoogste wijngaard van Zuid-Afrika, ongeveer 1500 meter.
Een volle, kruidige, rijpe, biologische wijn met finesse.
Ter introductie € 29,95 en 5+1 gratis.
Knowing that all premium vineyards in South Africa are influenced by the ocean, Daniël realized during travels to Europe that South Africa does not have one cool continental vineyard like the famous continental vineyards of Europe. He started to search for this cool continental terroir locally. His quest took him to Sutherland in the arid Karoo. As a result, the first vines were then planted in 2005 on the sheep farm Kanolfontein, which then officially became the new Sutherland-Karoo wine growing region.
The farm Kanolfontein nestles at the foot of Sneeuberg at an altitude of approximately 1500 metres above sea level and 350kms inland from the Indian Ocean, which makes it the highest and coldest wine growing region in Africa. It is blessed with deep scali and clay soils, a result of ancient layers of soil deposited here over time. During initial soil probes, Daniel was pleasantly surprised to see the homogeneity of the soil with no or few restrictions. When Johannes eventually disappeared in the hole he was digging, they remained startled by the incredible depth of the soil - unseen in the Western Cape area. “This is what I have dreamt of!” Daniel exclaimed, as he believes that everything starts with the soil. “If this does not meet certain requirements, it is useless trying to make a great wine. As a rule, poor soil such as this, with its complex structure and good aeration, will be ideal for a fine wine with many nuances in its bouquet and taste. The incredible depth will give very deep root penetration and help the vines to still flourish during the extreme conditions of the dry summer season. Furthermore, the scali soils would also impart a mineral character to the wine as the vines mature.”
The microclimate of this terroir is characterized by its low humidity with dry winds, clear skies with high light intensity. “I believe the famous continental varieties of Europe will thrive here and make even better wines here than when they are planted at the coast.” So small plantings of pinot noir, tempranillo, nebbiolo and riesling followed the initial plantings of shiraz.
Kanolfontein has good water, supplied by the melting snow from Sneeuberg Mountain, snowcapped in winter. The high altitude ensures cool temperatures in summer, normally not exceeding 32°C during day time and as low as 5°C during the night. These low average temperatures have a major beneficial impact on the flavours.
To this day not a drop of insecticide or pesticide has been sprayed on this piece of land because there are no diseases. This is due to the remoteness of the vineyard but also to the cold winter temperatures. Although the cold might be a blessing for healthy grapes, it comes with its own challenges. The area gets black frost in spring when the young shoots are at their most vulnerable. This we experienced first hand when we lost our first harvest due to frost.
Furthermore this tiny parcel of greenery seems like paradise to all the birds and baboons of the Karoo as they feast blissfully on the ripening grapes!
Jacob M
In de maand juni uit voorraad leverbaar tegen introductieprijs, een aantal witte wijnen van Maison JanotsBos (Meursault) - sinds 2004 een samenwerkingsverband tussen de Nederlander Richard Bos en de topwijnmaker Thierry Janots. Zoals Chardonnay hoort te zijn…
als liefhebber van goede, franse wijnen zoek ik vaak op internet naar betaalbare en goed doordachte webwinkels. Nu heb ik er een gevonden: www.grandcrustore.com. Super prijzen, snelle levering en waanzinnig assortiment Bordeaux!